Connections Healthcare Strategies

Concierge Medical Services: The Benefits

concierge medical servicesA Forbes article published recently says concierge medical services are “booming”.

Many other sources also predict that the future of concierge medicine includes it becoming more and more commonplace in larger hospital systems.

While some patients see it as out of their budget and expensive, other patients and their families love the benefits provided by their doctors when they choose to go with one that offers concierge medical services. They believe the benefits for both themselves and their families outweigh the costs.

So are concierge medical services something that you should consider offering or transitioning your business model to?

Here are many of the benefits of offering concierge medical services to your patients.

  • Some see it as a return to the “good old days” when doctors made house calls or gave personalized one-on-one attention.
  • Patients feel that they receive quality time with their doctor and that they get the attention they deserve as a patient.
  • Many physicians report that making the transition to concierge medical services is financially rewarding.
  • Because of this, it has also allowed them to remain independent.
  • This business model allows a physician to practice medicine the way he or she wants to as opposed to catering to demands of the medical and insurance industries.
  • In larger hospital systems, the additional income generated from patients using this business model can allow for lower income patients to also be cared for from the profits.
  • More quality time is spent with patients and patients feel better attended to.
  • A concierge medical service business model also allows physicians to cultivate relationships with patients and better understand their needs and the needs of those in their families.

[Related article: The Rise of Consumerism In Healthcare And What It Means For Your Brand]

Because of the changes in insurance and healthcare regulations in recent years, as well as the uncertainty of the future of healthcare, many physicians are looking for ways to continue to offer the high level of care and attention that they feel their patients deserve. Making the transition to this type of business model for your practice, could be a way to help you provide that for your patients.

Whether or not offering concierge medical services in the future is part of your health or wellness practice’s business model, the team at Connections Healthcare Strategies can help you develop a plan to market your practice and help you find your ideal patient. For more information, schedule a strategy session with us today.