Current Digital Marketing Trends To Watch

current digital marketing trends to watchThe world of digital marketing has evolved so rapidly over recent years, that you may be interested to know what current digital marketing trends you should be watching. It is important to know what is up and coming so that you know what to begin preparing now for your business to stay up to date on the latest digital marketing trends.

When people think of marketing, they often associate advertising with that. While it is always important in marketing and advertising to go where your target demographic is, in this day and age that especially means online and on mobile. Targeting users where they are — whether that is the Internet, or their mobile phone — will be important to your success in the near future.

In today’s world, advertising where people will find you means having a presence online. That is where your potential patient or client is, and that is where you should be also.

But there is more to marketing than just advertising. Potential clients, customers, and patients are looking for experiences tailored to their preferences. These experiences come in the form of content, emails, and convenience so knowing how to adapt your marketing strategy to these things is imperative to marketing success.

Current Digital Marketing Trends To Watch

Here are three current digital marketing trends to watch.

Evolution of Email Marketing

Email marketing has evolved. The most effective email marketing messages in today’s world are customized, personalized, and automated. Triggering emails to send upon certain actions completed or not completed by your potential client, customer, or patient is one way to inspire desired action. Email inspires action. In the current evolution of email marketing, incorporate a combination of automation and personalization in your emails.

Content Marketing

While we talked about content marketing in our recent blog 3 Marketing Trends To Watch In 2019, it holds special importance in current digital marketing trends and is worth repeating. When it comes to content marketing and digital marketing, the important thing here is to target specific audiences with your content. Not only should the content be quality, but it should also speak to a very niche market.


This term, coined by Google, is an indication of buyer behavior. It suggests to businesses, marketers, and advertisers a need to be present wherever their potential customer is at each tiny little “micro-moment” of their behavior. In other words, if someone is curious and takes out their cell phone to do a quick search, will your business be among those that show up in the results?

The micro-moments that outline potential customers quick decisions are:

  • “I-want-to-know” moments
  • “I-want-to-go” moments
  • “I-want-to-do” moments
  • “I-want-to-buy” moments

At each step of the way, at each micro-moment, you should have a presence that quickly and concisely delivers what your potential customer is looking for.

Now that you know more about current digital marketing trends…

If you are looking for a way to incorporate current digital marketing trends into your marketing strategy this year, Connections Healthcare Strategies can help you figure out how.

To get started, schedule your strategy session today.

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